When There's Fire & Rain in California

FIRE WATCH June - Sept!
• Caltrans 1-800-427-7623 (road conditions)
CALIFORNIA HAZARDS & EMERGENCY ALERTS (safety tips & alerts on wildfires, floods, mosquito viruses, etc)
• Latest California Fire Maps
• RSS FEED of Latest California Fires

Details: Unfortunately, California often has high fire danger June - September. Drought and high winds can exacerbate this issue, and fires can spread with frightening speed. Always double check local sources about road conditions and fire dangers, during this season.

Caltrans is also a good resource year round, for road conditions. Highway 1, is one of the most expensive roads to maintain in the United States, since it often sits along the ocean. The cliff defying stretch along favorite tourist destinations, such as Big Sur, is more prone than most, to have problems with falling rocks, mudslides. fog. and floods, during winter.

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