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In the Sky...

Lunar Calendar. Moon phase graphics calculated by most any date between 1951-2015.

Weekly Star Gazing Tips

Seasonal Constellation Guide

Meteor Shower Calendar and Tips for the lay person.

IMO Meteor Calendar International Meteor Organization's nice info packed page, culled from IMO's Visual Meteor Database, "the single most accurate listing available anywhere today for naked-eye meteor observing." Lots of nice diagrams, viewing suggestions, and scientific jargon.

On the Ground... for natural hot springs temperatures and GPS locations across the USA.

All Around...

Worldwide Directory of Clothing Optional Destinations Search or browse through nearly 600 clothing optional places. Bed and Breakfast Inns, Resorts, Campgrounds, Spas, Beaches, Hot Springs, Associations, and clubs can be found in this, the largest directory of its kind.

NudistParksUSA.NET Find U.S. Nudist and Clothing Optional Parks, Clubs, Inns and Resorts by Zip Code.

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